Time to learn

Native America

Filed under: writing — 045473 at 10:06 am on Monday, November 24, 2014

The Wampanoag, Navajo, Iroquois, Cherokee, and other Native American’s were the first people to live here in North America before and after the Europeans came. From 1492 to today the Native Americans have lived in North America. They have gone thru a lot, they have been moved and much more, but they have contributed a lot. They have also become part of America, today they are dancers, part of the military, and more. But they still keep their traditions alive.

Sacred Ways

Strawberries are part of a Cherokee legend. The legend go’s that the first man and woman got in to a fight. And the woman left the man. The man began to go after his wife. Then the sun decided to help the man. So the sun grow raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries in the woman’s path. But the woman did not stop to eat them. So then the sun made strawberries and the woman picked a few and eat them. When she saw they were good she sat down and ate some more. This gave the man time to catch up and apologize to her. Now “strawberries are a reminder to be kind to one another”.

Bowls, Blankets, and Beyond

Native Americans have made art in the past and in modern times. The Seminole make patch work dolls with old designs but new technology. North Native Americans were the first people to use porcupine quills in there art work.


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